Studio-grade location housing and travel logistics

Clients of Maritz Global Events’ Studio-grade location housing and travel services enjoy the same services as the big boys but without any the paperwork. We made a decision early on to take all comers regardless of their size or location. Whether you are attached to a studio or on a shoe string budget, our team promises to deliver the best combination of lowest negotiated rate, most concession value added and reduced risk


Small budget, indie, studio tentpole, movies and series and co-pro’s


Independent production houses , mini-majors and studio divisions

Studio 3rd Party

Access to Studio-grade services for 3rd party and independent studio producers


Soundstage Advantage for stages and productions shooting there

Film Commissions

End to end housing and logistics plus local supplier incentive management

Film Festivals

End to end festival management services from the world leader in city-wide events

Select Clients

We’ve worked with production clients creating content for companies such as: