You’re a player

Real leverage

Using  Maritz to source location housing is like getting pocket aces every time. 

Maritz buys more hotel rooms annually than all the major studios – combined. We use that buying power to get you the very best combination of lowest negotiated rate, concession value added and risk reduction.

There is plenty of extra value too like Fortune 500-grade electronic sourcing tools, access to bid data, master contract templates for all major global hotel brands, and support for your production until the day you wrap. And the best part is, using Maritz to source hotels doesn’t cost you a dime.* 

There is nothing to lose and everything to gain when you go all-in with Maritz. 

*Maritz receives an industry standard commission from hotels for the booking which has no impact on rates.

Deal from strength

Negotiating Power

As one of the world’s largest integrated meeting and event companies, Maritz gives you access more buying power than all the major studios combined. Our comprehensive housing and travel services are designed to get you the very best combination of lowest negotiated rate, most concessions and reduced risk.

Without paperwork or fees. Plus not having to deal with dealing with multiple vendors when you can have a pro look after all the details.  


More buying power than all the major studios combined

WOrld Class

One of the largest companies of its kind working for you

No COst

You get all the benefits without any of the costs


Production support with coordinators and technology